
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

A new blog - Women in Wartime

If you have read this blog for a while you'll know that I love history, and in particular World War Two. To keep this blog more about mid-century than war, I have started up a new blog - The Wartime Woman . It's mainly just articles and pictures from my collection of vintage mags, as well as some articles and pictures from my trawl of the net, and I will occasionally do a bit of real research to.  Hopefully it will be a bit of an archive for those interested in the the war and women's roles, especially in Australia. It's also a tribute to my grandmothers, both of whom were born in 1918 and were young mothers during the war.

If you'd like to check it out, please head to

Yes it's on Wordpress - which I am still getting used to.  Any tips welcome - especially for adding side widgets!

Here's some of the sort of 40s wartime fashion I'll be featuring.

Economy fashion from 1943
Economy fashion from 1943
♥ Deb

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