The hardest part of de-cluttering is letting go memories. Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo recommends leaving old photos until last, as they are the hardest to part with. She says that many people have a box of old photos that they are going to sort out 'one day', and that 'one day' often never arrives.
Well, guess what I just found?! Mum gave me a stack of photos last time I visited, as did my mother in law. Time to sort, and scan, copy to usb and keep safe.
When I was a child my father took lots of photos, and had his own dark room - and I think he was pretty good. Here are a couple of my favourite photos of me as a child with my family.
This is actually a rare photo of my Dad - he used a cord attached to the camera so he could actually be in this one.
Family photo, 1971 |
I don't actually look too happy in this one.
Me age 1, 1970, with Mum in Trafalgar Square London |
These next two are my favourites, and they do 'spark joy' so I am keeping them!
Me aged about 2 1/2, with Mum in our garden |
I think I used up all my cuteness at two! This next photo is of my grandmother and I, so I must be about three, as we returned to Australia and family in about 1972. This photo reminds me why I love Cats-eye glasses so much, and wear them every day now!
Grandma, Greta Holtkamp, and me, c. 1972 |
Grandma passed away just over ten years ago, so this photo is really special.
I haven't actually printed any photos in the last five years - everything is electronic now. Before that, however, when I was pregnant with my twins in 2004/5, I scrap-booked all my photos. That is a lot of scrapbooks! They do give me joy though, so for now, at least until I get a big enough scanner, I am keeping them!
How do you store your photos?
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