Tuesday, 28 January 2014

A Thank you, Back to School and a Cyclone Warning

A quick post today - we have a cyclone near by and the gale force winds mean my internet keeps dropping out!  Hopefully the rain will clear up, as we are expecting a king tide this week too, which can mean flooding.  I wish I could send our rain down to drought stricken South Australia!

Anyway, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all my readers - I have 50 followers now, and 21 on facebook, and over 7,000 page views per month - how exciting! Seriously, I mean it, thankyou!!

With school starting back I am back at work, but I will still have time to blog and research, so if there is anything special you would like to see, please let me know.  I have a stack of 'new' vintage magazines with interesting snippets to share, and when I get organised I will have another give away. For now, an ad with recipes from 1958.

back to school treats 1958

(You can see my three ready for school on Instagram).
And I found this letter in the December 1938 issue of the Australian Women's Weekly, about the cyclone in Mackay in 1918 (the reason we don't have many old buildings in town!).

And tidal wave??!

Stay safe everyone, Deb xx


  1. Hi, I love your blog, so I have nominated you for a Liebster award. Check out the nomination here


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